International Summer School and Festival for Future Modes of Living Together

Thinking Together
31 July – 9 Aug 2014

image © raumlaborberlin

Curated in collaboration with
Jan Liesegang (raumlaborberlin)

My curatorial contribution to this month-long International Summer School and Festival for Future Modes of Living Together was the first edition of “Thinking Together”, a 10-day “transdisciplinary platform for ‘political imagination’”

Invited Guests:
Susan George, Madina Tlostanova, Ruth Sacks, Rolando Vázquez, Catherine Walsh, Bernard Lietaer, Jan Ritsema, Stefano Harney, Christophe Meierhans, Walter Mignolo, Seda Gürses, Miriyam Aouragh, Femke Snelting, Ranabir Samaddar, Franco Berardi, Julian Reid, Michael Dillon, Sarah Vanhee, Ayreen Anastas, René Gabri, Valentina Desideri, Heath Bunting, Christian Töpfner, Emma Kim Hagdahl.

"'Thinking Together' is a transdisciplinary platform for 'political imagination': 'political' because it is concerned with the way in which we organise the times, resources, spaces, practices and lives that we share, locally and globally; 'imagination' because it is aimed at forming new ideas and imaginaries about how to do so.

The main discourse format of the Osthang Project is thus focused on rethinking future modes of living together in a pluri-centric world. The project is set up as a public forum composed of informal seminars, lectures, discussions, film screenings, artistic projects and cooking.

'Thinking Together' wants to pay due attention to fundamental transformations currently unfolding in diverse parts of globalised societies — acknowledge them, question them, think with them, understand and learn from them, in order to build on future-oriented imaginaries, practices and strategies. The format is set to give time and space for unplanned exchange and initiatives. Its program structure provides for planned free spaces within which the momentum of 'Thinking Together' can unfold. On location, a public calendar will inform about short term projects, film programs, discussions, lectures or other interventions. (Program Text excerpt, 2014)

  • image © bop

  • Osthang Project Thinking Together Program

  • Osthang Project Full Program

  • raumlaborberlin Project Website


